Workday Assessment Details
Included in every annual dues payment is a refundable $50 Workday Assessment.
If you complete a 3-hr volunteer workday shift you may request a $50 assessment refund by filling out the Workday Refund Form. This form is found on the Member Dashboard side of the website under Member Documents.
Your request must be made within the same year as your volunteer shift. We are not able to retro-refund or apply it to the following year’s dues.
Calls for volunteers are sent out via mass email. If you have an idea for a solo or small group volunteer project that you would like to do and which would count for the refund please email us and we can work it out. If you volunteer, please make sure the volunteer coordinator knows you are there and have completed your shift.
Membership households are eligible for the refund once per year.
New members do not pay the assessment the year they join so new members are not eligible for the refund. They are eligible the following year when they start paying regular annual dues.
Are you a local business or realtor looking to advertise to our community? Yearly sponsorships are available – Appear on our site and app!