HSRC hosts an array of activities year-round!
(See flyers from some of our events below)
Some activities are long-standing and noted here and some are just pop-ups that we announce
when the time comes– games nights, arts & crafts, and cookouts.
Read more below…
We are known for our many annual events!
We have a blast hosting fun HSRC events like:
Flicks & Floats
Sunset Socials
Memorial Day Pig Pickin’
4th of July Party
Labor Day Luau
(annual neighborhood music festival)
the Hanarry Hustle
(annual July 4th 5K)
Also, in conjunction with the Hanarry Estates Homeowners Association,
we host Easter egg hunts and Christmas Children’s events, our huge
4th of July parade that is a tradition for over 40 years now, and even blood drives!
HSRC celebrated 50 years in 2022!
Below are some flyers of events we’ve had in the past.
Are you a local business or realtor looking to advertise to our community? Yearly sponsorships are available – Appear on our site and app!